Living Our Faith
This is the heart of our work—helping our students to encounter God, to be formed by God’s love, and to live this in tangible ways throughout their lives. We hope that through their time at Immaculata, students will be equipped to understand their own gifts and reflect on how they can use those gifts in service of God and all of God’s creation.
A Life of Service
Part of our Immaculata Way of Life is to "Live a Life of Service." Each year, our entire school makes lunches and hygiene kits for Urban Ministries of Durham on Giving Tuesday, holds a food drive during Catholic schools Week, raises money for ProPapa Missions America and the Diocese of Raleigh African American Ministry & Evangelization Network (AAMEN), and collects thousands of books for impoverished schools in North Carolina.
Individual classes and school groups also serve our community by visiting the elderly, making meals at the Ronald McDonald House, reading to animals at Durham APS, writing letters to seminarians and the military, cleaning up outdoors, collecting materials for people in need, and so much more.
A Community of Faith
As the parish school of Immaculate Conception Catholic Church, we incorporate our faith into daily teachings. Everyone engages in daily prayer and attends weekly Mass and Friday Morning Prayer. Students in PreK-Grade 4 participate in Catechesis of the Good Shepherd, a Montessori approach to religious education. Students in Grades 5-8 take traditional religion classes focused on Scripture, Church history, and those connections to current social issues and daily life. With several religious observations throughout the year, students can perform skits to depict the lives of Saints, re-enact the Nativity and Passion, participate in May Crowning, go to Reconciliation, and more.
While we uphold Catholic traditions and teachings, many of Immaculata students are non-Catholic and are made to feel welcome, included, and respected.