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Academically  & Intellectually Gifted (AIG) Program


Immaculata's AIG program provides enrichment as well as extended, challenging, and cross-curricular learning for students in Grades 3-5 who have been identified as gifted in reading and/or math. AIG also supplements classroom teacher enrichment in K-2 and offers Socratic seminars in Middle School. The program is administered by the AIG coordinator and a resource specialist with training and experience in gifted education. 

Identification Process & Evaluation Criteria
Only students in Grades 3-5 receive AIG services. Students in Grade 3 who take the CogAT test may become eligible for AIG based upon their scores (95th percentile in math and/or reading). Students in Grades 4-5 who previously were part of the AIG program will continue automatically (students in these grades who were not identified previously but demonstrate potential in their regular classroom work may be considered for evaluation based upon grades, work samples, attendance, classroom behavior, and additional related data). Students in K-2 and Middle School are assessed on an as-needed basis by the classroom teacher and AIG Coordinator to determine how the student's individual needs can be met within the classroom setting. 

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Parent Notification & Consent for Services
Parents of students who qualify for the Immaculata AIG program based on the evaluation criteria above will be notified with the results. They are then required to sign the Parent Consent for Services form in order for the student to be enrolled in the AIG program. Services will begin as soon as it is appropriate.

Delivery of Services
AIG instruction occurs on a weekly basis (minimum) in coordination with teachers via professional training and curricular support within the classroom as well as in small groups pulled out of the traditional classroom setting. Participation in AIG is a privilege, thus students must come to each AIG session prepared with materials and completed assignments and maintain a B or higher average in all classes in order to continue in the program.  AIG students are held to a high standard--not only academically, but also in terms of leadership, behavior, and being models of the Immaculata Way of Life. 

Habits of Mind
AIG students are taught to develop the following "habits of mind:"

  • Curiosity - Student enthusiasm leads to further exploration of subject matter and its implications 
  • Persistence - Student maintains focus and completes objectives
  • Creativity - Student develops new approaches to discovering, analyzing, and applying knowledge in ways that produce measurable results
  • Critical Thinking - Student thinks about problems in new ways by asking questions like, "What if?" and "Why not?" and generates meaning and solution that are explored, negotiated, constructed, and applied
  • Collaboration - Student works with his/her peers as both a follower and a leader to consider, refine, and/or build upon knowledge and its implications from his/her own and others' findings
  • Communication - Student presents, discusses, and reflects upon ideas in multiple ways

At the end of each quarter, parents will receive a report that assesses how their child is progressing with mastery of these habits of mind (consistently, sometimes, or rarely demonstrates).